
Adding configuration options to your theme

Theme settings provide a means for merchant to customise their stores theme global settings. These can be anything from font selection to the colors that store uses or even set up how the prices are displayed at the store. Finqu editor read a single file to present the settings for the merchant: settings_schema.json. Every setting that is defined here is configurable by the merchant. All the setting values are store in the settings_data.json. This chapter focuses on creating those settings.

Settings Schema structure

	"name": "Theme identifier",
	"theme_name": "Theme public name",
	"theme_author": "Author of the theme",
	"theme_image": "assets/theme-image.jpg",
	"theme_documentation_url": {
		"en": "https://theme.doc.url"
	"section_categories": [
			"id": "id of the category",
			"name": {
				"en": "Title",
				"fi": "Otsikko"
        // .. other categories
    "block_categories": [
        // .. similar to sections categories but for blocks
    "settings": [
            // setting definition, definitions can be found from below

Section categories

Sections can be grouped in categories. Prefix your theme section categories with “theme-“ in order to avoid naming collisions with other resources for sections. Syntax for section category is

    "id": "theme-section-category",
    "name": "Category name" // can also be localised

Block categories

Blocks can also be grouped in categories. Prefix your theme block categories with “theme-“ in order to avoid naming collisions with other resources for blocks. Syntax for block category is

    "id": "theme-block-category",
    "name": "Category name" // can also be localised

Different types of settings

Below you can find a list describing all the possible settings types that you can use in theme settings. Please note that there are differences to the setting types that the sections and blocks are using and not all the types that are available there are available here or vice versa.

Type Description
setting-page A navigable new setting group that can contain settings or new setting groups
style-editor Define and edit styles that can be used in sections
heading A setting heading
title A setting title
spacer Creates empty space
label Defines a label on top of a setting
separator Creates a horizontal rule
hidden Hidden value
text Text field
textarea Textarea
color Color picker
select Select
range Range
checkbox Checkbox
radio Radio button list
radio-pill Radio pill toggle
richtext Richtext editor
font-picker Font picker
image-picker Image picker
menu Menu picker


    "type": "setting-page",
    "label": "Setting page label",
    "title": "Setting page title", // optional
    "settings": [
        // list of settings


    "id": "styles",
    "type": "style-editor",
    "label": "My styles",
    "settings": [
        // list of settings for style
    "presets": [
            "id": "preset-id",
            "name": "Preset name",
            "default": {
                // list of default values for the preset


    "type": "heading",
    "label": "The actual heading",
    "subheading": "This is an optional subheading"


    "type": "title",
    "label": "The actual title",
    "subtitle": "This is an optional subtitle"


    "type": "spacer"


    "type": "label",
    "label": "The label"


    "type": "separator"


    "type": "hidden",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "default": "setting-value"


    "type": "text",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for text",
    "default": "Default value",
    "placeholder": "Placeholder" // will not be visible if default value is set


    "type": "textarea",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for text",
    "default": "Default value",
    "placeholder": "Placeholder" // will not be visible if default value is set


    "type": "color",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for color input",
    "default": "#000000"


    "type": "select",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for select",
    "default": "option-1",
    "options": [
            "value": "option-1",
            "label": "Option 1"
        // .. other options


    "type": "range",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for range",
    "default": 0,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 10,
    "step": 1


    "type": "checkbox",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for checkbox",
    "default": false


    "type": "radio",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for radio",
    "default": "option-1",
    "options": [
            "value": "option-1",
            "label": "Option 1"
        // .. other options


    "type": "radio-pill",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for radio pill",
    "default": "option-1",
    "options": [
            "value": "option-1",
            "label": "Option 1"
        // .. other options


    "type": "richtext",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for richtext",
    "default": "<p>Example default</p>"


    "type": "font-picker",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for font picker",
    "default": "Font Family 1",
    "families": [
        "Font Family 1",
        "Font Family 2


    "type": "image-picker",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for image picker"
    "type": "menu",
    "name": "setting-id",
    "label": "Label for menu"

Conditional rendering

These settings can be conditionally rendered. Syntax is quite simple:

<setting-id> + <condition> + <value-to-compare>
    "type": "checkbox",
    "id": "checkbox",
    "label": "I will hide the text when I'm selected",
    "default": false
    "type": "text",
    "id": "textarea",
    "label": "I will not be visible if checkbox is checked",
    "conditions": ["checkbox eq true"]

Following conditions are supported:

condition  meaning
gte greatear or equal than
lte less or equal than
gt greater than
le less than
eq equals
contains a string contains a value
in value is in list, list is defined as comma separated list