
Tags that are available only in online store themes.


Include blocks in sections.

Static include using name as id

 {% block 'name' %}

Static multiple include using custom ids for settings

 {% block 'name' id:'custom-id' %}


Wraps a block container. To create a default container just use the plain container tag without the name.

 {% container %}

You can also create block containers dynamically as names can be defined as variables:

 {% for i in (1..10) %}
   {% assign name = 'my-block-container-' | append: i %}
   {% container name %}
 {% endfor %}


Forms are an important piece of Finqu theme development. You can add forms with the form tag. You can read more about different types of forms and how to use theme from the general guide for forms.

 {% form 'product', product %}
 {% endform %}


With javascripttag you can be sure that your script is only included once in the page. This is very useful when a shared script is needed between sections or blocks. The tag body cannot contain Liquid.

 {% javascript %}
     <!-- Script content -->
 {% endjavascript %}


Renders a section from the sections folder of the theme. Sections are always wrapped inside of a parent element.


 {% section 'my-section' %}


 <div id="finqu-section-my-section">
     <!-- section content here -->


With stylesheettag you can be sure that your styles are only included once in the page. This is very useful when a shared styles are needed between sections or blocks. The tag body cannot contain Liquid.

 {% stylesheet %}
     <!-- CSS -->
 {% stylesheet %}