

Allows you to leave un-rendered code inside a Liquid template. Any text within the opening and closing comment blocks will not be printed, and any Liquid code within will not be executed.


 Anything you put between {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags is turned into a comment.


 Anything you put between tags is turned into a comment.


Selects the layout for the current template. Use the layout tag in the very beginning of the template file.

 {% layout 'name' %}


Temporarily disables tag processing. This is useful for generating certain content that uses conflicting syntax, such as Mustache or Handlebars.


 {% raw %}
 In Handlebars, {{ this }} will be HTML-escaped, but {{{ that }}} will not.
 {% endraw %}


 In Handlebars, {{ this }} will be HTML-escaped, but {{{ that }}} will not.


Renders a snippet from the snippets folder. Any variable assigns won’t pollute the outer context and variables from the outer context are not available in the snippet. You can pass data to the snippet as arguments.

 {% render 'my-snippet' var=other_var %}


Defines a schema for the template, section or block. The body of the schema tag must be a valid JSON and you cannot use Liquid inside schema tags. You can read more about schemas from the guide.

 {% schema %}
         "title": "Title"
 {% endschema %}